Saturday, December 5, 2009

The 1st Kiss?

Me and my boyfriend are 13. I'm Jess and he is Ryan. He likes drawing, making model planes, and is a straight A student. He is very shy, yet very loving. I am a dance fanatic, sing, and do plays. Him %26amp; I have been "together" for 7 years. In 1st grade his words were: "will you be my giwl fwend?" Ever since then - we have been together. This friday is our 1st date and i asked (which to me is fine) Dinner and a Movie. I want to kiss him because we never have. I am ready and I know he is too he's just to nervous to make a move so I thought I would. I'm really scared and I always chicken out on big things like this. What do I do? My parents are going to the movie (but going in a different theatre) and going to dinner (but not sitting close to us) and driving us home. I want to hold his hand and kiss him but I don't know when the time is right or how to approach. I am SOOOO nervous. Help!!!!

The 1st Kiss?paramount theater

ah.........what a sweet girl..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don t know what i have to say.........

you are both too young.........

it s nice that you both do things together!

but don t be nervous!

give him time.......

and he will kiss you someday........

you are both so young...........

good luck little princes!

The 1st Kiss?theatre opera theater

Don't kiss on the first date. Let him get used to it. Maybe after the 2nd date.
kiss him at the movie and go to like a romantic movie because then you have an easy time to kiss him...

you kiss him when the actors are kissing ! =]
poor liwe gwir doesnt know when to kiss, if you dont know when then you are not ready.
everything will happen at the right times.
lol im 13 and i makeout all the time-but when ur in a movie -in the middle of the movie start holding his hand then just give him a peck on the cheek for starters
you guys should be comfy around each other by now if you're been together that long. just find the right time to look in his eyes, smile and go for it!
Not much privacy in a movie theatre for anything else but holding hands. Just grab his hand while looking for a seat. That's easy!
Well, watch out because after that he'll be all over you like a cheap suit.

Well, pretend your parents aren't there, first of all. And all you have to do is kiss him. Forget all the anticipation, 'cause you want this, right? He might be shy, but if you make the first move, I'm sure he'll be right behind you. =]

Good luck, man. First kisses are magic %26lt;3
Don't be nervous! Guys love it when girls make the first move. After dinner when you are walking over to the movie, just slip your hand in his and smile at him. During the movie, cuddle with him...put your head on his shoulder or something and hold his hand. You could (still during the movie) just look at him and go in slowly to kiss him. He'll love it, and don't worry!
Jess, hold your horses! You and Ryan are only 13 yrs of age and I don't think it's a good idea to do the kissing thing or anything more than that after you are 16yrs old and older.
You are too young to kiss..
the right time to kiss is right when he is getting dropped off.that is the most romantic for the kiss.
you are just so adorable :)
oh thats pretty cute

yeah def. go for it

just lean in make him realize what your doing, and he'll catch on

thats so cute.

I had my first when I was 16. It's nerve wracking, I know. Do it during your movie. Its dark and semi private since no one will be watching the two of you. Just reach over and hold his hand and rest your head on his shoulder. At some point during your movie and the two of you have looked at each other... bring your head in closer. If he backs away a bit or looks tense or nervous, back off and go back to the hand holding. If he doesn't, go right in for it.

Good luck.

and promise to keep it in your pants.
Aww!! You've been going out for 7 years?! That's freaking awesome!! I have the same problem. My boyfriend is shy, and I'm outgoing. But we haven't been dating as long as you. lol. Anyway, we're going to the movies Friday too, and I want to kiss him and hold his hand as well, but well, he's just too shy. And! As an added stress factor, I'm a twin, he's a triplet, so our siblings are probably going to be there. Grr. Anyway, I think I'm just going to do it, and hope for the best. Don't be nervous, because I'm nervous enough for the both of us!! Bye*
Take your time and when it feels right do it. Maybe on a walk since it sounds like your parents are going to be around on this date, unless you want to kiss during the movie. Perhaps at the end of the movie or right before it begins. Maybe make a joke to ease the tension or just cuddle with your head on his shoulder and kiss his cheek for now. Just don't rush pass kissing any time soon okay? You have the rest of your lovely life to do all this 'stuff' and if he's the right guy he won't mind the wait. Good luck and I hope it all works out.
wow . . . seven years is a long time. yes, i agree with you, it is time for your first kiss. maybe during the movie you could. yeah, the movie would work. you could just scoot closer and closer to him, and then either one of you could start it. i hope i helped, and i hope this works!
OMG, gurl that's amazing that yall have been together since 1st grade. Good job! He must be really sweet. I think yall should go to a really romantic movie, and then when they kiss in the movie, you turn and look at him and give him "the kiss look" and i think he might get the idea. :-) Just lean in to kiss him and let it all happen. Have a great date.

Hey that rymes! LOL

Aww you guys are so adorable. Well when you guys are at the movies put your hand over his and grab it tightly and rest your head on his shoulder and get as close as you can. Then kiss him on the cheek, put your hand around his neck, tilt your head, and press your lips onto his for a second, part them and let go. Gud luck and go with christ, brah!

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