Saturday, December 5, 2009

Theatres, tv, dvd?

Someone told me a while back that Hollywood was considering a new tactic for movies...

Every movie that comes out would at the same time, hit theatres, dvd, tv. That way they dont lose money by bad theatre use.

I wonder where that sits on planning. I know a month or so ago a plan to reduce theatre to dvd time was turned down.

Theatres, tv, dvd?sheet music

Complete rumour. More than likely, once the technology to get movies downloaded quickly and efficiently to your PC (and quickly off them once you have seen it or 24 hours has elapsed), you will see broad releases of new movies.

Downloads that only last an evening would not be popular right now at $20. DVDs are. With file sharing, the movie industry does not want to end up in the same place the music industry is right now. A broad release would mean rampant pirating of movies, and they would be shared and unprotected within hours of the release, severely limiting profits.

Give it about a year or two, they should figure out by then and the bandwidth to most homes should carry the load.

Theatres, tv, dvd?state theatre opera theater

Well first it comes on the theathers, then on the DVD, and last it comes on the TV.

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