Saturday, December 5, 2009

What are your feelings about pirates of the Caribbean at worlds end?

when i went to see it today i went into the theatre not expecting an amazing movie which it proved to be partly true. The plot was as thick as pea soup and the humor was too familiar to the previous two. maybe a little too long as well. When Jack was on the screen however, it had the sparkle the first one had. overall, I would rate it a B- to B...

What are your feelings about pirates of the Caribbean at worlds end?performing show

I hated it...definitely the worst of the three. Too long, too confusing, not enough action. I was bored, to be honest.

What are your feelings about pirates of the Caribbean at worlds end?opera score opera theater

I loved it. I laughed a lot, the graphics/special effects were great, and the acting was superb. I'll be purchasing it.
Quite frankly the best one ever I have seen out of all three!
i enjoyed it very much but like y said very long but it did have alot of humour i did like number 2 better but i rate it at b i hope we may see more but i guess not
Action, sad, romance, funny and adventure.

I loved this movie soo much it was the best one yet. Do you thihnk there is going to be a fourth movie?? I really hope so.
i really liked it, i'll rate it higher than b.
I really enjoyed the romantic and humourous parts of the movie. The whole Clypso thing was kind of wierd. It also was pretty confusing. I think the 1st and 2nd were better but POC 3 had a pretty good plot. I didn't think that Will would die and be stuck on the ship though. That made me pretty sad. Although I did enjoy the part when Will and Elizabeth were getting married. I thought when they were kissing someone was going to up and stab them. i did enjoy seeing Will in it thouhg. Overall I give it a B.

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