Saturday, December 5, 2009

In theaters do you finish all your popcorn before the movie starts because of the long previews?

Damn previews

By time the movie starts I have already finished my popcorn

In theaters do you finish all your popcorn before the movie starts because of the long previews?tickets

Yes. I agree with you 100%. That's their plot to get you to go BACK to the concession stand to buy MORE food. The bastards!

In theaters do you finish all your popcorn before the movie starts because of the long previews?ballet opera theater

Yes, but that's the way I like it!
Not all of it, I make sure I save a little for the movie, but yes a lot of it
Yes, but that's okay because then there is no crunching while I am trying to listen to the movie.
No but fat people usually do
i can't afford's like $10 for a small! that's ridiculous
lol yes. But it's not just me. I only eat about 1/16 of it.
I never even finish my popcorn during the whole movie. But if your point is that they show too many previews before the main attraction, I agree with you a hundred percent. Not to mention the Pre-preview stuff they show! That's why I just get to the movie about five minutes before it starts, lol. Some people really like the previews, though.
I can't afford movie popcorn. I usually sneak in candy bars that I buy from the dollar store, and yes, I finish it pretty quickly indeed! lol.
not really i eat a little of it then when the previews starts %26amp; continue when the movie starts
yup sometimes
Yes, don't you just hate that.....
Yesss... it's so annoying %26gt;=O
haha! no!! i'm about half way finished with it...not all the way though!
yeah, along with my drink too and i go get my free refill and hit the loo
When I make the mistake of arriving at the theatre before the previews are done, that's when I buy the popcorn.
YES ! And my chocolates and sweets AND box of nachos with the plastic cheese sauce. All gone long before the movie starts . . .

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