Thursday, December 10, 2009

Need QUICK answer please!!....curfew and late movies!?

okay.... so im 17, and i want to go to an 11 oclock movie...

that means the movie wont end until atleast 12 am....which is legally past curfew.

if a cop were to see me at the movise...or even on the road...could he give me a ticket?

like even if he saw me walkin out the theatre, or i had a movie ticket stub????

Need QUICK answer please!!....curfew and late movies!?opera cd

It depends on the day (Monday night or Saturday night) school nights you should be at home. But on a Friday or Saturday I pretty sure you'll be fine. That's only matters on what kind of town you live in and how you play it off. And if you're asked by an officer "why are you still out?" don't give attitude and just say you're going home right now.

I am sure the police officer isn't going to give you a ticket as soon as you walk out the movies. More likely a verbal warning because they have better things to do than write a ticket for curfew like finding drunk people driving at midnight. Like the other person said don't draw attention to yourself.

Need QUICK answer please!!....curfew and late movies!?opera singer opera theater

Doesn't matter, you cannot be out past curfew without your parents.
What you were doing at the moment (or right before) is 110% irrelevant. The cop isn't going to care; he can still give you a ticket.
If the cop see you he will ticket you and take you home in the cop car. But if you are not doing anything to draw attention to your self, then you should be fine
yes you would be arrested and sent to jail for breaking a curfew its not worth it for a movie
While an officer could ticket you for being out past curfew if you were stopped and explained your situation in all likeliness he'll just send you on your way, possibly give you a ride home. Thats it. The only reason you'd be ticketed is if you were like out at the park or something past curfew and you weren't going to your house. The other reason is if you were up to some crimminal mischief. However I should point out its not like cops are on the look out for 17 year olds out past curfew. I think most are more worried about like gang members and drunk drivers. Don't draw too much attention to yourself and you will be ok.
Lol no. if they did stop you say "Why are you up huh?! It's past YOUR curfew. Anyways I think you'll be ok. Act older-ish. My cousins are your same exact age and they go out all the time to movies, without any cop bothering them; interrrogating.
If they see you out past curfew, they'll give you a ticket.
Yes. There is no movie exception to the law.

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