Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is downloading movies off the net really that bad?

i mean im not in the theatre taping it and hell, the movie companies dont suffer. Ever see Tom Cruise in Value Village?

Is downloading movies off the net really that bad?home theatre

It's the same thing as software piracy, music piracy, and all of the other similar type crimes. You're stealing from the people who made the product by seeing/using it without paying for it.

You might argue that you wouldn't have gone to see the movie anyway if you had to pay for it, but if the practice is widespread people won't go to the theaters or buy the DVD less often, and they'll lose their sales. In the eyes of the law, stealing is stealing no matter who you're stealing from, even if you don't like the person/company.

Of course, chances are you'll get away with it. It doesn't mean it's legal, though.

Is downloading movies off the net really that bad?ballet theater opera theater

Yes. You can't do it without getting in big trouble and the picture quality is terrible.
well...its bad for ur c-drive...b/c it fills it up
no, i do it all the time.
just like stealing.
I wouldn't want the viruses!!!
Yeah it is bad it is against the law. Just pat the 3 bucks and rent it
Pirates Are A Waste Of Time, For Both The Expereince Of The Viewer And The Money For The Big Boys

I rather Watch A DVD Quality Movie
It is illegal to do
Yes. Stealing is stealing even if you're robbing a rich person. Besides, if you're found out you could be prosecuted and lose access to the internet.
in theory, heck go nuts!
yes it is it is like doing bad thing

r u a bad kid?? if u r then i dont care because im not goaa tell u what to do things with your life and i dont need to u inthing with your life

Yes, stealing is bad., You are not only stealing from Tom Cruise but from the thousands of other people that don't make millions of dollars that worked on the movie.

Stealing is wrong. If you have to justify your behavior than you know it is wrong and you shouldn't do it.
yeah. most are illegal and the graphics are bad
Downloading movies, music, etc. without buying it is wrong and it is stealing. Many college students, including I, have downloaded music at one time or another from websites such as kazaa, limewire, morpheus, etc. We try hard to justify our actions by saying that "the movie/music industry are still making a substantial profit," "I'm not the only person who is doing it," etc. The fact of the matter is that every time we download something we are not supposed to, we are flat out stealing somebodies work that they deserve. I would suggest that you just wait until the dvd comes out for rental. I know if any of us created something that made millions of dollars, we would like the max. profit for our endeavors and have total control of how the profit is spent- good or bad. That's what makes the US a superpower.

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