Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bootleg Movies??

I have recently been turned on to bootlegged movies which havent even hit the theatre yet. truthfully i enjoy them so much that now im kinda addicted. no i dont think its fair to the actors, doesnt that make them lose money? they work hard for it, %26amp; im feeling guilty about watching them online. if u have had experience too with bootleg movies tell me how u feel about it also. please be serious because i am, any insults will be blocked.

Bootleg Movies??palace theatre

They dont lose money, they just dont make as much which is what like $7 less? I dont think thats gonna make or break them. Im not saying its a good thing, but just get them every once in a while, for a movie you really wanna see. So, you wont feel so guilty, but you will get the enjoyment.

btw, what site do you go to, to get them? lol

Bootleg Movies??concert tickets opera theater

The only thing I have to say about them is, Where are you watching them? Please do share, cause I wanna watch em
why not wait for them to come out on DVD or for heavens sake go to a matinee.

I feel that it's wrong.
One thing I truly hate about bootleg movies is the quality. I'd by far and away prefer to see movies at the cinema. But if I have to see a DVD, it better well should be crystal clean visuals and audio. Bootlegs not only cheats the filmmakers (actors, crew, etc.), but it cheats the viewer out of the whole experience of a good quality production.

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