Saturday, December 5, 2009

Movies what are they coming to?

If you really think about it, I mean really think what or when is the last movie you saw where you came out of the theatre and was said to yourself, wow that was a great movie.

Or does it seem like a never ending string of ah it was ok, or that wasnt that good.

At least in my opinion I have not come out from a movie and been completly impressed and glad that I spent the $10 in at least 3 or more years.

Making a good movie seems to be a lost art

Movies what are they coming to?opera score

The movie industry has realized that creativity and effort are overrated in making movies these days. Why would they want to get some new and original scripts and ideas, when they can just hash up some sequels that they know fans will flock to without question?

Movies that go in new directions are a risk for the companies to take, and a lot of viewers are scared to go to something new and different. So, under that assumed logic, the movie companies keep on pumping out generic "copy/paste" romantic-comedies and bland teen horrors, and making sure to bring out annual or bi-annual sequels to the big action and comedy movies to keep the simple masses amused.

If you want a good movie, go to any small, independent theatres and see if they're showing movies from small-time directors or film festivals. More often than not, you'll find movies that are great, and you never would've heard of otherwise because the big theatres refuse to play them.

Movies what are they coming to?musicals opera theater

It isn't, but quality costs money and most aren't interested in investing that much into it
I think it was Chicago

Even Dreamgirls didn't excite me much, and I had really been looking forward to that one
You didn't like the Departed? or Crash? I did not agree with Million Dollar Baby as the 2004 Best Picture winner but the first two I mentioned certainly were deserving. I saw both of them in the theater a couple of times because they were that good.

And what about good comedies? Borat was halarious.
I know, it's seems like everything they make sucks!! They will hike it up and make it sound will good. and soon as you see it you'll be like what the hell.
It is of my personal opinion (just an opinion) that the great movies were made from about mid 1930 until about 1969. Nearly every movie was non-R rated and had some sense of making you feel good when you left.

Now, you have to be prepared for violence, verbiage to turn your ears red, and sexual innuendos - to say the least. It's very very discouraging.

The last (recent) movies I really enjoyed, and you may want to check out because they "felt good" were:

The Notebook


Facing the Giants

Remember the Titans

Time Changer

They are out there, it's just that they are not as endorsed or promoted by Hollywood. Sometimes, independent films are worth checking into - but approach them with caution also because sometimes they approach a theme that is unusual that you may not feel comfortable viewing.

Good luck! They are out there; just well hidden!

062007 2:50

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