Saturday, December 5, 2009

If the Spiderman movies went like this.....?

I for one like Sam Ramis appraoch to the series. owever there would be a few things I would change. Ofcourse you have to have Spidies main villian be The Green Goblin thats for sure. When Peter gets his powers, since he is so smart, how about we see hm in his room making a device that shoots webs like in the comics. That would'nt be hard. I love to think of the possilblities this series coudl've had by making it better through the eyes of a fan of the comics. Though please help me out on how we can have the Kingpin in here or in any other sequels. So now continuing...... Spiderman 1 with a few modifacations, will remain as is. Now for the second one. I like having Dr. Octopus and how he was cinematized... but for the climax with Harry finding the Green Goblin uniform and weapons in the hidden door....

Now I ask for veteran Spiderman fans to come and help me out here. Does'nt Green Goblin have something to do with the Jackal? If not, well, we will work something out.

Now that the first 2 movies were a huge success.. Picture yourself in the theatre. Watching the previews. You see the Fox and Marvel logo on screen. In the back of your mind it's the Spiderman 3 trailor! As it turns out, it is!!!

Here's the plot!!!

Spiderman has been getting bad reviews that are made up from some sorce as labeling him as a criminal. You see the shape of what could be the Green Goblin's head in the shadows but something isn't quite right. It looks a little different. The voice is off and is informing of a certain vigilanty of the whereabouts of Spiderman. As Spiderman is on the roof looking down at the city, a sniper rifle shot nearly misses him as he now swings for safety. Then a beam unexpectedly collapses on him. Not killing him ofcourse, but simply fazing him alittle. As we start to see in the forground, is the main villain of the movie. The villain isn't an evil villian but a villian to Spiderman. Under the impression that he is a criminal mind on the streets. As the image on screen gets clearer, we see through the eyes of Spiderman as he sees a man dressed in what looks like black armor with a white skull in the middle. Spidy asks, "who are you?" The man replies, "The Punisher!!"

If Spiderman 3 went like this, that little talk at the end about forgiveness would be between Frank and Spiderman. Because in betwen battle scenes amongs these 2, they will witness each other's handlings of criminals. Punisher being the Anti Hero and SPiderman the opposite.

Then you hear a gun shot!

Screen goes black!


Memorial day

End of teaser trailor!!!!!!!

Note that if this werre to happen, as much as I like The Punisher 2004,

this whole Spiderman series is rebooted in this thread so that means that a Punisher movie couldnt happen until after this one.


Through in some type cast wise guy actor to play the leaDING ROLES IN THE Gnucci family. Actors like Frank Vincent woulkd make an excelleny Punisher villain.



If the Spiderman movies went like this.....?ballet theater

Well, I'm a HUGE Spidey fan, and I really like the idea of the Punisher being in the movies and I'd like to help but what exactly are you asking? Pleas reply

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