Saturday, December 5, 2009

Who saw Saving Private Ryan when it first came out in theatres?

When I saw it in the theatre it was packed, many elderly and some teens too. How do we get the kids today to understand what war and death means? When we walked out of the theatre the kids were cheering and thought the movie was fun and exciting but the many elderly men and their wives all had somber looks on their faces and tears in their eyes. I don't doubt many of these men knew someone who died in Normandy and the movie was eerily realistic. What do you think?

Who saw Saving Private Ryan when it first came out in theatres?headache

I did.....I saw it with a date and I was crying....I was so emberrassed....but there were a lot of people crying,...

The end gave me goose bumps and sent shivers down my spine.....great great flick!

Deja: I think the best way to get the younger generation to understand war is to educate them. The internet is a great tool....Wikipedia has awesome info about WWII and WWI.

Check it out here:

Who saw Saving Private Ryan when it first came out in theatres?paramount theater opera theater

i saw it the first day it came out
It was vary close to the truth I am a VN and it brought back a lot of not so pleasant memory's
I never saw it!
I saw it, but could not sit through the first 18 minutes.

The story line was ridiculous!

All of those who no nothing about war can learn nothing from history books, it is an experientical thing - you have to be there.

After a year in Vietnam, I came home on a plane tht had 200 bodies, at least, laying in the cargo bay

War is nothing but something that old men start to kill off young men. Those it does not kill are wounded for life whether they took its and lived through it.

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