Thursday, December 10, 2009

Some questions about movies...?

What causes movies to go straight to DVD instead of theatres first?

How do they choose whether movies are shown limited theatres or nation/worldwide?

Some questions about movies...?headache

It depends on the critics, they watch the movies before they are actually played in the theatre. If the movies gets really bad reviews, they the studios decide that it is a waste of money to market it and sell out in theatres. So then it goes right to DVD.


Lets say a movie gets medium reviews from the critics and is only put out in some theatres. Sometimes it actually gets good reviews are wide world audiences and is put back in the theatre. Like My Big Fat Greek Wedding. That movie ended up staying in the theatre for months. However, that doesnt happen very often

Some questions about movies...?paramount theater opera theater

I think it depends on how much the studio wants to spend to market it.
however well/poor the movie is recieved...
It costs money to make the prints for the movie theatres. It costs for the posters, as well as advertising. And lets face it the worst the movie.. the more advertising is needed to get people to come to the theatre in the 1st place.

Having said that.. there is a point were its just not worth the costs to get it into the theatre... and it goes "direct to DVD"

Movies are screened and determined thier popularity potential. Movies with limited appeal (an art film) will play in major cities but not in most theatres across the nation.

The decisions are made to try to maximize profits.
Some movies, such as Lorenzo's Oil, that go straight to DVD instead of theatres first may be too depressing for movie theatres.

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