Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why do Parents take their young children into R rated Movies?

I just went to the theatre and saw an R rated movie. I was shocked to see that people would bring their young toddlers and babies too.

Not to mention that there was language, violence and dead bodies! There were kids running up and down the isles during the movie! Now I haven't been to a movie theater in a while, is that an okay thing to do now? I have a toddler and wouldn't even consider bringing him. We found a babysitter! I have nothing against children being in the theater if the movie was child appropiate, but it was far from that.

Why do Parents take their young children into R rated Movies?state theatre

Parents are selfish these days and they don't care what there innocent children are exposed to...Don't listen to these people that are telling you toddlers don't pay attention to these kinds of movies because they do! They see and hear so much more than you would want to admit and these ideas and morals going into their young minds are going to shape the people they turn out to be. That is why the world is so jacked up.

Why do Parents take their young children into R rated Movies?theater opera theater

Some parents don't protect their children's innocence. I almost got punched a few years ago because I told a ignorant, selfish woman that her 3 children (who were under the age of 5) should not be in the bloody movie Blade (about vampires) the children were crying and she was actually angry about their outburst. She was furious when I offered to take them in the lobby while she finished her movie. Makes me sad to think about what those kids had to put up with if her judgment was that poor.

You can't make people become decent parents. You can visit theaters that have a no children after 6 p.m. policy.

Running around should be quietly reported.
most toddlers dont pay attention maybe that is why but it is still inappropriate, if i was going to take my child to a movie i would make sure that it was suitable for them to enjoy too
Yeah.. that's not right. Those parents are just too cheap to pay for a babysitter. That is really bad for the kids!
ya some people are just really bad parents and dont care about their childs innocence and are to lazy to get a babysitter
I totally agree with you....what on earth can these people be thinking of? To me, its not so much the visual effects, as the really young have such short attention spans....but, its the noises, the music, the screams etc...I bet they have nightmares, poor little things, and if they do I sincerely hope they keep mum and dad up all night. It serves them right!
If you can figure out who the parents are and don't mind the possibility a minor confrontation, the next time anyone is disrupting your experience, feel free to find an usher and let him or her know what's going on. The staff realize that the happiness of many customers is more important than a self important parent that won't find a babysitter and will most likely assist in having the parent get the children under control or have them removed.

I went to see spider man 3 recently and this dumb woman wouldn't stop blathering on for about 20 minutes. I got fed up, got an usher, her boyfriend started to make a scene, security escorted them out. It was more entertaining than the movie.

It's one thing to laugh, or ooh and ahh, or whatever directly relating to the movie. It's another entirely to not shut up about some irrelevant topic loud enough for everyone within 3 rows in any direction to hear you.

Same thing goes for other peoples brats when they're not mature enough or intelligent enough to figure out a baby sitter has a purpose.
I don't think it is a problem if someone took their newborn to a 'R' rated movie. It's not like they could watch and understand it and the mother was probably breastfeeding. In fact that is a good way to get some time out and relax with the baby.

As for taking toddlers, it would depend again on the age. If they were young enough not to understand and perhaps sleep on their parents lap then why not? I have a 2 year old that watches TV and if something violent or scary comes on I see his facial expressions change, so we don't let him see anything like that.
This may come out sounding harsh, but not everyone can afford a babysitter. I understand that if you can't afford a babysitter why are you shelling out cash and torturing all the other people in the theater by coming to an R rated flick with your small children? In the town I live in, we are about an hour away from an indian reservation, and many of these folks off the Rez don't have much choice because everyone comes into town on certain days only and they don't always know a lot of people in town that they would trust/or could handle their little darlings while they got some "big people" time at a movie. They don't have, but maybe two movie theaters on the Rez which streaches into two states. They live a different reality out there and I have learned not to judge, it's hard because I would never bring my kids with me to R rated movies but sometimes people have no choice.
Because some people dont care enough to research movies before bringing young children. Alot of people want to go and dont bother finding a sitter, which I think is very selfish.
In my opinion, some parents use this type of inappropriate language at home so they figure why not. Also, some parents can't find a sitter and feel that they MUST see the movie. Unlike myself, if I can't find a sitter, I won't go. Or of course I'll just wait until it comes out on video. There should be some sort of time limit that children are allowed to come to the theater for an R rated movie!
not it is not alright some peolep may do it but it is not a good thing to let kids watch shuch movies with things like that in it
it could be that they really wanted to see the movie but couldnt find a babysitter... or were too lazy.

or like someone else said, the toddlers arent going to be paying attention so idk..

although when i see an R rated movie, i do not like screaming kids running around. :(

i dont think parents should bring their young children to R rated movies
they are idiots, plain and simple.

i recently went to see Spider-Man 3 with me and my 5yr odl brother and dad.

my brother wanted to see and and when my dad went to leave, he didn't wanna watch it so my dad stayed.

well he was 5 but loved the movie. he doesn't have bad dreams and loved the but kicking lol.

well, their were like maybe at max, 5 other ppl in the theater

and one was a baby.

the baby splet through it and i thought that it would be ok even if the baby woke up because the theater was totally empty and i bet the mother would quiet the baby.

and to the point- it wasn't like the theater was max full with ppl dying to see the newly realeased movie.

the ppl waited a week to watch it so their wouldn't be alot of ppl frustrated if a baby cried.

thats wat ppl should do if they cannot afford a sitter.

wait like a few weeks to watch it with the child so others don't get mad.

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